Import and Export API Overview

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Export Transactions

Use URL – 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ExportTransactions'

Example Request

curl --location 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ExportTransactions' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer your-token-value' \ //Replace "your-token-value" with the token value that you have generated"
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data '{
"TransactionFromDate": "2018-01-01 13:25", //Add your start date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"
"TransactionToDate": "2018-01-31 19:59", //Add your end date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"
"CompanyName": "Company, Inc." //Enter your company name, exactly as it appears in the FluidSecure Cloud platform

Incorrect parameter or value:
If a parameter or value is incorrect, the API will respond with a code 200(OK) and a failure message in JSON.

Import Transactions

Use URL – 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ImportTransactions'

Example Request

curl --location 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ImportTransactions' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer your-token-value' \ //Replace "your-token-value" with the token value that you have generated"
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"TransactionsModelsObj": [
//Add the details of your transaction
//Optional fields can be sent as empty or blank values
"FuelQuantity": "12.2", //*Required
"TransactionDateTime": "2018-12-12 10:00", //*Required: Enter the transaction date & time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"
"VehicleNumber": "5423", //*Required
"CompanyName": "Company, Inc.", //*Required: Enter your company name, exactly as it appears in the FluidSecure Cloud platform
"FluidSecureLink": "Diesel", //Optional: Enter a fuel type for this transaction
"Odometer": "78510", //Optional: Add an odometer reading to this transaction
"PersonPIN": "2901", //Optional
"Hours": "1", //Optional
"EnteredDepartmentNumber": "1" //Optional
//Multiple transactions can be added at once:
"FuelQuantity": "12.63",
"TransactionDateTime": "2018-12-12 11:00",
"VehicleNumber": "0321",
"CompanyName": "Company, Inc.",
"FluidSecureLink": "Unleaded",
"Odometer": "24510",
"PersonPIN": "2901",
"Hours": "1",
"EnteredDepartmentNumber": "1"


Export Vehicles

Use URL – 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ExportVehicles'

Example Request

curl --location 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ExportVehicles' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer your-token-value' \ //Replace "your-token-value" with the token value that you have generated"
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data '{
"CompanyName": "Company, Inc." //Add your company name, exactly as it appears in the FluidSecure Cloud platform

Incorrect parameter or value:
If a parameter or value is incorrect, the API will respond with a code 200(OK) and a failure message in JSON.

Import Vehicles

Use URL – 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ImportVehicles'

Example Request

curl --location 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ImportVehicles' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer your-token-value' \ //Replace "your-token-value" with the token value that you have generated"
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"VehiclePassingModelObj": [
//Add vehicle details
//Optional fields can be sent as empty or blank values
"CompanyName": "Company, Inc.", //*Required: Enter your company name, exactly as it appears in the FluidSecure Cloud platform
"VehicleNumber": "999_2901", //*Required
"DepartmentNumber": "5", //*Required
"AuthorizedProducts": "Unleaded", //*Required: Enter a fuel type for this transaction
"RequireOdometerEntry": "Y", //Optional: Value must be "Y" or "N"
"Hours": "Y", //Optional: Value must be "Y" or "N"
"CheckOdometerReasonable": "N", //Optional: Value must be "Y" or "N"
"VehicleName": "999_2901", //Optional
"Description": "2345", //Optional
"AccountId": "45566546546", //Optional
"Make": "make", //Optional
"Model": "model", //Optional
"VIN": "1232", //Optional
"Year": "2019", //Optional
"LicensePlateNumber": "4321", //Optional
"LicenseState": "19", //Optional
"Type": "2", //Optional
"OdoLimit": "50", //Optional
"Barcode": "", //Optional
"FOBCardNumber": "1234" //Optional
} ]


Export Personnel

Use URL – 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ExportPersonnel'

Example Request

curl --location 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ExportPersonnel' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer your-token-value' \ //Replace "your-token-value" with the token value that you have generated"
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data '{
"CompanyName": "Company, Inc." //Enter your company name, exactly as it appears in the FluidSecure Cloud platform

Incorrect parameter or value:
If a parameter or value is incorrect, the API will respond with a code 200(OK) and a failure message in JSON.

Import Personnel

Use URL – 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ImportPersonnel'

Example Request

curl --location 'https://www.fluidsecure.net/api/External/ImportPersonnel' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer your-token-value' \ //Replace "your-token-value" with the token value that you have generated"
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"PersonnelPassingModelObj": [
//Add personnel details
//Optional fields can be sent as empty or blank values
"CompanyName": "Company, Inc.", //*Required: Enter your company name, exactly as it appears in the FluidSecure Cloud platform
"Email": "[email protected]", //*Required
"PhoneNumber":"123-456-1212", //*Required
"Department": "5", //*Required
"PinNumber": "8529639637411", //*Required
"IsUserForHub": "N", //Optional: “IsUserForHub” is used to identify if imported person is hub or non-hub user. Value must be "Y" or "N"
"Active": "Y", //Optional: Value must be "Y" or "N"
"PersonName": "NewTestPersonnel", //Optional
"FuelLimitPerTxn": "10", //Optional
"FuelLimitPerDay": "20", //Optional
"ExportCode": "1235411412", //Optional
"AuthorizedVehicles": "all", //Optional
"FOBNumber": "123555" //Optional
} ]